9 More Inspiring Quotes About Nursing
Nurses are heroes on the front lines of health care, so it’s no surprise that people notice. Here are 9 inspiring quotes about nurses and the nursing profession.
Why Nursing? 7 Great Benefits of Being a Nurse
From providing comfort and care to those who need it most to building a lifelong career you can be proud of, here are 7 great benefits of being a nurse.
Black History Month: Anna Knight
In 1922, Anna became the first President of the National Colored Teachers Association of Seventh-day Adventists.
Black History Month: James Chiles
James Chiles was one of the first African Americans to challenge the concept of separate but equal before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Black History Month: Lucy Byard
Lucy Byard was a Seventh-day Adventist who was turned away by the Washington Sanitarium in 1943 because of the color of her skin.
Safety in Healthcare: Tips for Maintaining Patient Health and Well-being
The developing safety in healthcare discipline aims to safeguard the people healthcare strives to heal.
Advancements in Medical Imaging Technology
Medical imaging technologies continue to evolve, presenting new applications in diagnosing and treating diseases.
History of Chaplaincy
Chaplaincy has a storied history that stretches back to the fourth century.
6 Groundbreaking Medical Device Innovations Impacting Healthcare Today
Examine the ways that technological innovations are re-shaping the modern healthcare landscape and bringing the future of care delivery to patients today.
Guide to Cultural Sensitivity in Nursing
Examine how the country’s shifting cultural demographics are spurring healthcare professionals to adopt more culturally competent care delivery strategies.