A Place for Transformation
Learn about our commitment to making AHU a place for transformation for ourselves and for those who come here to fulfill their dream to serve.
Our Beliefs
AdventHealth University welcomes students of all religious backgrounds.
AHU invites students on a journey exploring the meaning of life, their relationship with God, and the difference they can make. Aligning with our Adventist heritage, this Statement of Belief identifies Biblical principles that undergird the AHU mission.
We believe:
- God brought the universe into existence.
We know God through creation
We believe everything is within God’s interest and care
We recognize God as the Source of truth and goodness - All Truth is God’s Truth.
We find truth in both scripture and science
We believe only God has complete knowledge and wisdom
We honor God when we expand the boundaries of our knowledge - All Goodness is God’s Goodness.
We accept God as the Source of all life-promoting values
We thrive when we live by God's values
We believe all who live by these values are connected to their Creator - Jesus Christ is our clearest picture of God.
We encounter Him as Immanuel (God with us) – the First Advent
We find Him when we accept His life, death, and resurrection
We invite others to know God through Him - Each person is created in the Image of God.
We accept the immeasurable value of each person
We treat everyone as a child of God
We build with them the family of God - We experience brokenness in our relationship with God.
We commit to restoring that connection
We seek, with the help of the Holy Spirit, the healing of the whole person
We nurture, with God, a community of wounded healers - Sabbath is God’s sacred shelter.
We rejoice in the harmony it brings to our lives
We connect with God and others within its tranquil hours
We experience in it a foretaste of eternity to be ushered in at the Second Advent - Christ is the Great Educator.
We learn from His example
We guide our students through His wisdom
We honor Him by teaching them to serve others

Healthcare as a Ministry
At AdventHealth University, we prepare students to extend the healing ministry of Christ by
- Affirming faith
- Advancing knowledge
- Transforming learning
- Cultivating uncommon compassion
Our Heritage
Adventist healthcare extends the healing ministry of Christ to patients at 173 hospitals, 126 nursing homes, and 294 clinics around the world. The AHU campus is part of AdventHealth Orlando – one of the largest medical facilities in Florida – and for several years running the #1 rated hospital in Florida (U.S. News & World Report).
Adventist education extends the teaching ministry of Christ to students at 7,579 schools serving over 1.8 million students. AHU is one of 114 Adventist colleges and universities operating throughout the world. This educational system represents the largest operated by any Protestant Christian denomination.

Our History
The rich history of AdventHealth University extends more than a century.
The origins of this vibrant institution begin with the Florida Hospital School of Nursing, operated for many decades on the current site starting in 1913. Southern Missionary College (now Southern Adventist University) sent nursing students from Tennessee to Orlando for clinical experience. Over the years, the hospital added programs in Radiography (1962), Practical Nursing (1964), and Sonography (1988).
In 1992, those four programs, along with a fifth in Radiation Therapy, were combined to form a new school, Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences.
The College became a baccalaureate-granting institution in 1998 when it took over the Southern Adventist University Bachelor of Science Nursing Program.
In 2008, the College began its first graduate program, a master's degree in Nurse Anesthesia.
Looking to expand its valuable healthcare ministry, the university established Denver location in 2009, where degrees in nursing, radiography, and sonography are offered.
During 2012, the College changed its name to Adventist University of Health Sciences and continued to grow the degree programs offered by the former Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences. AHU became a Level V degree granting institution in 2016 when it offered its first doctoral degree in Physical Therapy.
In 2018, the university's sponsoring organization (Adventist Health System) rebranded its name to AdventHealth. To align with AdventHealth, the university adopted AdventHealth University. Building on its rich educational heritage, AdventHealth University continues to grow as an institution with a commitment and passion for healthcare as ministry developing professionals who live the healing values of Christ.