Recent Blogs
Biomedical Sciences
What Is Biomedical Science?
Find the answer to your question, “What is biomedical science,” and decide if earning a biomedical science degree at AdventHealth is the right choice for you.
Spiritual Care
How to Become a Chaplain
If you’re wondering how to become a chaplain, this article will answer that question and help you understand the role of chaplain in different settings.
What is the TEAS Exam?
The TEAS exam is a standardized test designed to gauge a student's readiness for nursing school. Learn all about it here.
Healthcare Administration
What Is Health Data Management?
Health data management is revolutionizing the way doctors, hospitals, and other providers manage patient care. Experts in the healthcare industry, government, and information technology agree that...
Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes: Strategies for Improvement
The connection between hospital patient outcomes and nurse staffing has been well documented in healthcare research. Nursing leaders, including chief nursing officers, nurse managers, and others, have...