Kim Dudzinski, EdD, MHS, OTR/L
Assistant Professor
About Kim Dudzinski, EdD, MHS, OTR/L
- Biography
Dr. Dudzinski graduated from Loma Linda University with a Bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy in 1998. She then pursued a Master’s degree in Education from the University of Central Florida, followed by a Master’s degree in Health Sciences from the University of Florida. In 2020, she completed her educational journey at UCF, obtaining a Doctor of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Her clinical background primarily consists of pediatric experience. She spent 13 years providing educationally relevant therapy services as a school-based practitioner for Orange County Public Schools, where she worked as both a treating therapist and an OT diagnostician. She is also a certified handwriting specialist through Handwriting Without Tears. Dr. Dudzinski is currently responsible for teaching Pediatrics, OT Foundations, and a religion-based course within the program. Her research areas of interest vary widely, spanning from pediatric areas of occupational development such as handwriting and visual motor skills to the sensory processing needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Recently, she published two manuscripts in the Journal of Occupational Therapy Education and presented at both the Florida Occupational Therapy Association and American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference.
For a complete list of publications, please visit Dr. Dudzinski’s Google Scholar page.