Recent News
New AHU Chief Integration Officer Is Beloved Nursing Leader and AHU Alum
Bobbie Jean Cabezas, MSN, RN, PCCN, CENP, is named Senior Vice President and Chief Integration Officer for AdventHealth University, effective Feb. 23, 2025.
Florida Coalition to End Homelessness Honors AdventHealth University
The Florida Coalition to End Homelessness recently honored AdventHealth University and Ability Housing with the Stronger Together award, celebrating two organizations in different systems of care that...
Addition Financial Credit Union Commits to Helping More College Students in Central Florida
Newest relationship is with students and team members at AdventHealth University.
AHU Inaugurates Third President
AdventHealth University inaugurated C. Josef Ghosn, EdD, FACHE, as its third president and CEO.
AdventHealth University Names New President
Dr. Josef Ghosn becomes university’s third president and CEO.